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Zach Deputy Promo Photos - Sobokeh Music Photography-29 (Low Res).jpg

Reflecting on his live shows, Zach says "music to me is about bringing people together from all walks of life and living in the moment with a joyful heart!" Deputy's one man show creates a unique experience straight from the soul every night, raw and uncut with absolutely nothing prerecorded. As a pioneer of looping and synth guitar work well ahead of his time, he's taken the technology to uncharted lands delivering a pocket groove unique to the ears. Zach says, "call me crazy, but I've always believed live music should always be live, but I've also always loved a good tranced out dance party too." With this in mind he tailored his performances to meet his convictions. Combining his family roots Island vibe with his low country southern soul, a pinch of tranced out hippy hop, and a vast amount of talent, Zach's sound emerges in focus.

Zach Deputy declared he would be a professional musician before ever purchasing his first guitar at the young age of thirteen. Given this, a career outside of music was never really an option for the naturally talented solo artist. First performing in public as a young teenager, Zach began receiving paid work as a singer by the age of sixteen. Starting in the Mid-2000s, Zach had already captivated audiences throughout the Southeastern United States with his singular solo performance. In 2008, he released his debut album Out of the Water, forming a name for himself as an unforgettable one-man-band live looping act. The album brilliantly showcased his unique blend of “island-infused, drum ‘n’ bass, gospel-ninja-soul.” As a pioneer of looping and synth guitar work, Zach took the technology to uncharted lands through his one-of-a-kind pocket groove.

With a mission to create “a place where everyone feels welcome” and a proponent to create a sense of unity amongst the masses through music, Zach has achieved incredible feats for an artist of any genre. Notable accolades include four critically acclaimed albums, performances at revered venues such as The Fillmore in San Francisco alongside artists such as Karl Denson, and a write-up in The Wall Street Journal. Zach’s introspective and uplifting songwriting evokes intense feelings of joy by shedding light on some of life’s most challenging moments. Zach’s music radiantly reflects his ingenious songwriting and musical gifts as he cheerfully sings songs from the heart and plays a diverse array of instruments. His eclectic songs are instilled with deep groove, intense passion, funky flair, and his signature dulcet sound.

Touring throughout most of his career as a headlining one man show, Zach creates an unprecedented live experience. His thrilling live show showcases his raw and uncut vibe with absolutely nothing prerecorded. Combining his family roots island vibe with his low country southern soul, Zach’s music emerges as a therapeutic experience that strives to remind people of the mere joy of being alive.


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